Academic Programs

Berkeley anthropologists are innovative teachers who have won accolades from the Division of Social Sciences, the University, and disciplinary organizations. Anthropology faculty have created ways to make larger lecture courses seem small, encourage original research projects as often as they do traditional term papers, and introduce media production into the curriculum. Anthropologists regularly blur the line between teaching and research, engaging students with the latest problems under study by members of the department in coursework and mentored research.

Undergraduates can complete a major or minor in the field. Students who already have a BA can undertake the PhD in archaeology, biological anthropology, sociocultural anthropology, or medical anthropology. Several anthropology faculty participate in the interdisciplinary Master's degree program in Folklore.

Undergraduate and graduate students from any program can enroll in anthropology courses, which include many offerings that fulfill the American Cultures requirement as well as Reading and Composition courses.

Many undergraduates from within and outside the department participate in research with anthropology faculty through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program or more informal volunteer opportunities.